Swings are aplenty at Pasir Ris Park. For most part of the day, they are under the shade and if there are not so many people waiting, do let your child swing to his or her heart's content. Most children knows just how much their body need and would stop when they have enough. Stopping too soon may deprive them of ever getting to the point where their body can make sense and organise that vestibular sensation.
(If you are working with a child with autism, do speak to your therapist before letting your child "swing to his or her heart's content". For the matter of fact, do not take for surface value all mentioned in this blog as the sensory system of the child with Autism works differently.)

For those who are with children who are scared of the swings or who stay less than two seconds on a swing, try standing in front of them, go down to their level, make good eye contact and reassure them as you perhaps even just let them sit and talk to you. We can put them in the bucket swings which provide more support and play "kick daddy's tummy" as the swing gently bring their outstretched legs to touch your bouching belly.

This roly poly merry go round is great fun for the kid when he can have it all to himself. Sometimes, children need time to just explore on their own and feel how their body is going to react to all the movement challenges that this equipment is going to offer. Especially if your child is hesitant with such spinning equipments when there are many children around dictating the speed and movement of this monster, do find a quiet time of the day and encouage him to push, pull, sit, stand, crawl, sprawl on this lovely spaceship.

This piece of equipment is quite a new find on playgrounds, but it is making it's presence felt in more and more playgrounds around the island. I have seen parents puzzling over how to play with it but as usual, stand back and observe the kids and they will be teaching you tens of ways of how to play with it in minutes. For your young children, you can carry them up to hold on to the railings and they can go for a merry go round ride hanging on for their dear life with their tiny hands. Quite dangerous if you are not sure if your child's gonna have the strength to hold on for the round... unless you are going to be running around with them.
For the older kids who can reached it and make themselves hang and spin around, they are on for a whole lot of great vestibular stimulations.
So, if you have a young one and want to make use of this equipment, bring along a towel, a rope or the like and tie it to the railings. your child will have a good time holding on and running round and round, spinning the big big wheel! Lots of vestibular input and most importantly fun factor ++. BEWARE: flying ropes can hit eye and cause blindness.
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