Remember to pack swimming gear and bathing stuff. The kids bath area is well equipped (though no warm water)and designed to be another fun experience for the children.
It's a fun playground for children as young as 2 years old to the 99 years old who is young at heart.
These pictures were taken in 2009 but a recent visit shows that they have been maintaining the place well... kudos to the team at the zoo.
I like this wet playground particularly for it's great variety to suit everyone's needs. For the young child who is scared of water, there is no need to rush him or her to the centre of the action. There's plenty of shallow water, mild sprays and pipes and button to keep him interested and yet at a comfortable distance to observe the ongoing fun.
If you live near the north, you can visit the zoo at anytime with a zoo membership. You can be there early in the morning or in the evening when the sun is just nice. You can spent an hour or two having fun at the playground and visit an animal a week. Not only will the young children be able to tolerate the short trips better, the older ones may be rewarded with such fun outings!
Really, I think it's worth the deal.