For some children, enticing them to learn about animals can be difficult when there are so much more physical exploration awaiting them. Let them play at the playground first. "Because you have behaved so well at the playground, mummy's gonna read you all about fellas and bellas." This way, they would have worked out the sweat and now all ready to absorb some animals facts without thinking it as such a chore.
Personally, I felt that it is better to start off with the dry part of the playground before going off to the wet part (next blog). Not only do you only need to clean up the children once and for all before they leave the place, it is also safer to attempt activities in the dry playground without water dripping from their clothes. Other playground users would also appreciate your considerate act!
For children who are overly active and for those children whose motor skills are not so good, the zoo playground provides with a great way to start by having this pull and tug boat. Parents can go onto the raft with their kids, position them well and encourage them to use all their strength to pull the entire company across to the other side of the "river". Such "heavy work" promote optimal arousal level in children and helped children increased their body awareness and hence primed them for motor learning!
After using a lot of their srength in the tug boat, you may want to lead your child just around the corner to engage in a game of cable swings. From my last visit at the end of 2009, the cable swings at the zoo are in great condition and as long as you have your hands on your child, is generally safe for anyone who can sit upright.
Once you are more confident in your child's ability, then run aside them as they swing across. Do not be too eager to push your your pre-schooler to go across by themselves as the amount of vestibular (see previous blog for explanation of this term if you are new) sensation can be overwhelming.
This is one part of the huge variety of playground settings at the zoo. I felt that many of the equipment here are more suitable for the seven and above. There are many other equipments suitable for younger children and I would suggest we leave the older kids to do their stunts without having to be worried if they are going to bump into yet another toddler.